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FLOOR ONE S9 Artist Steam

FLOOR ONE S9 Artist Steam

  • 284℉ (140℃) HyperSteam
  • 180° Lay-flat Design
  • Triple-sided Edge Cleaning
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140℃ HyperSteam 

Tineco's innovative boiler technology heats steam up to 140°C, ensuring it reaches the floor at no less than 99°C. This high-temp steam dissolves stubborn grease and stains more effectively than other products, which lose heat before reaching the floor significantly. 

DualBlock Anti-Tangle Design

Effortlessly tackles hair and pet fur without tangling

180° Lay-Flat Design

Easily reaches low areas to clean hidden dust

FlashDry Self-Cleaning System

Triple-sided Edge Cleaning

Easily cleans along the baseboards, leaving no corners uncleaned

SmoothDrive Technology 

Experience effortless 360° cleaning with precision direction sensing. Equipped with omni-directional smart drive wheels that simulate an automotive differential, it matches different speeds for the left and right wheels, ensuring smoother turns and reduced effort. 

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